Microb Technology/2007/electronics
De Wikidroids
This page has for purpose to give usefull information about our 2007 ServoControl electronic.
Magic Mother Board
Similar to the 2005's mother board but:
* The ATmega32 has been replaced by an ATmega128. * All chips are now CMS (when possible). * Board is a litle smaller.
Proportion of Magic Mother Board are not the same as this shema. (Real Board is more compact)
Here are details of nets linked to boths ATmega. Just to know "where is what".
Here is the PCB of our board.
Magic Power Board
Here is the connectors shematic for our Power Board.
And PCB ...
Magic Single Motor Power Board
This board has for purpose to give a high current power suply for a single motor. No sens selection is needed.
I publish shematic after having tested it.