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This is not an official documentation of Aversive, it is more an "internal" conception documentation used by developpers to discuss some points.
Documentation index
base: frequently used modules.
- base/cirbuf: circular buffer implementation
- base/scheduler: schedule simple events
- base/time: handle human time
- base/math/vect2: operations on 2D vectors
- base/math/fixed_point: fixed point library
comm: modules that are related to communication protocols or hardware.
crypto: Some modules used to make crypto operations.
debug: modules that allows the user to make debugging of a program easier, for instance by checking the stack size, or the 'CPU' charge under interruption.
- debug/diagnostic
- debug/error: handle error message for logging
devices: contains modules that are related to a device that is not part of an Atmel AVR (lcd, motors, ...). Usually, a module is related to a specific electronic device that is described in the module source.
- devices/brushless_motors/brushless_3phase_digital_hall
- devices/brushless_motors/brushless_3phase_digital_hall_double
- devices/control_system/control_system_manager
- devices/control_system/filters/biquad
- devices/control_system/filters/pid
- devices/control_system/filters/quadramp
- devices/control_system/filters/quadramp_derivate
- devices/control_system/filters/ramp
- devices/encoders/encoders_eirbot
- devices/encoders/encoders_microb
- devices/ihm/lcd
- devices/robot
- devices/robot/position_manager
- devices/robot/robot_system
- devices/robot/trajectory_manager
- devices/servo/multiservo
encoding: operations for encoding buffers (like base64 or hamming).
hardware: contains modules that make the use of a specific AVR harware easier (ADC, PWM).
ihm: humain-machine interfaces, like menus.